Short 2 minuete film
initial Ideas:
Fighting a zombie, results in my death
Stalker/ghost in the woods
Trailer for an action film
Various pranks
Real life duel?
Advert For stress relief after Rage
quitting a game
Grizzly tales for gruesome kids remake
How to funny
Three developed ideas
Fighting a zombie: Genre- Action
I can arrange for some friends, one in full
zombie gear and one dressed as a survivor and armed with weapons to act out a
simple fight scene between the two. It will start with a survivor searching for
supplies and is caught of guard by a zombie who knocks the gun from his hand
and has to fight with a back up weapon. He/she is knocked to the ground and
attempts to reach for his/her gun but gets bit, he/she kills the zombie, but
realizing his/her fate, turns the gun on themselves.
Advert For stress relief after Rage
quitting a game
This would be a humorous guide for how gamers to calm down and relax after a hard session of gaming and/or loosing badly to an enemy team forcing them to rage quit. The video will show multiple ideas and techniques for stress relife including some fake humorous ones like flipping a table, yelling at a cat etc.
How to funny
A how to guide on talking to girls. it will show a man trying and failing badly at talking to a girl with me narrating over telling the do's and do nots of talking to the girl. The video will surrounded with comedy aspects as the males attempts to make a pass at the girl get worse and worse, but i'm there to correct him in all his mistakes.
The movie will open with the actors walking next to each other down a path and the switches into high and low close up shots of them looking at each other with my narration asking the audience things along the lines of "is there that special one for you? don't know how to approach them ?" and proceeding to narrate these simple steps which will be supported with humorous illustrations from the actors.
The following will then be small sketches of the dos and do nots of approaching and talking to a girl while Cameron's narration covers it. The first couple of scenes will just be addressing the audience with questions with small clips of Maddy and Matt Looking at each other, walking next to each other and sitting together where as the later scenes will show tom winning and failing at talking to Catelin
Cameron: Is there that special in your life ? Want to meet them and get to know them, but feel you don't have the courage to ? Then follow these simple steps and we can guarantee to help you break through that confidence gap and very soon you'll be conversing like a pro.
(scene of maddy and matt looking at each other and walking together )
Step one: Try to approach this lucky girl with a compliment of some sort, admiring her radiant beauty
Matt: Hey my name is Matt; I just wanted to say that I think you are incredibly beautiful.
Maddy: Awwww thank you, I'm Maddy (offers hand shake.)
Matt: (accepts hand shake) Matt.
Cameron: Paying a girl a compliment is the best way to show your admiration and affection straight away and makes a girl feel better about themselves and is more likely that she will pay back a compliment and even start a friendship. However, it is best to think long and hard about your compliment and what you are going to say as... you may come on a little bit forceful.
Matt: (shot of Matt charging up to the camera from a short distance) BE MY GIRLFRIEND! (wide shot from behind of Matt getting punched and falling to the floor as Maddy runs off)
Scott: This would be a good example of how nerves can over throw ones decisions and quickly lead to a restraining order
Step two: The look
Cameron: it is important to show that you are attracted to this girl and one of the most effective and classic ways to do this is to give the technique known simply as "the look" this is done by staring at her and when you finally make eye contact giving her a warm smile, statistics show that not only will she feel good about herself, but you yourself will look more appealing as we tend to look highly on those with positive expressions.
(scene acted out of Matt giving Maddy a warm smile behind the narration)
Even though this is true, it is important to know your limits and what is acceptable as you do not want pull what is known as "the creeper look" where your affection and motivations become unknown causing your crush to flee in terror as to her and everyone else it looks as you are picturing her murdered.
(scene acted out of Matt pulling the creeper stare and Maddy slowly backing away behind narration)
Step three: Manners
Cameron No one has ever died from being shown too much respect, but a lack of basic manners is the quickest way for a girl to loose interest, even the most common of chivalrous gestures such as opening a door, carrying something for her or lending her your jacket but again, remember not to be overly affectionate as too much attention can be considered as nagging or even lead you to be friend zoned, keeping things simple by holding that door open is probably sufficient and the best way to not look like complete fool
(a scene where Matt acts chivalrous by opening doors and carrying items around Maddy, followed by a scene of matt letting a door slam in her face)
Step four: self standards
Cameron its important to make sure you are at your best when approaching this girl that you are looking and smelling your best, this will instantly make you more physically appealing, going out looking like train wreck and wreaking like a landfill site is ill advised
(Scene where Tom sprays
himself with aftershave and combs his hair and approaches Maddy vs Matt looking
and smelling bad resulting in her fainting)
Step 5: exaggeration
Cameron: Finally It is important to tell little storys about yourself and you can change some of the details to make you seem like a better person we're all that she'd remember remember the outer space knights you defeated using only a chicken
(Scene of Tom flexing
his muscles and showing of vs a scene with him awkwardly holding a chicken and
Maddy looking confused)
Unit- 54 Evaluation
In unit 54 we were tasked with planning and developing a short video sequence and planning and presenting a short movie sequence discussing and explaining the use of camera shots, audio, angels and text/graphics and why they are effective and what they mean.
We began by making several short videos, including one that shows development of our filming/editing skills through means of storyboards and idea processing. these helped introduce us to the unit and quickly got us to grips with the filming/editing sides. We then started developing multiple ideas and finding examples that resembled our ideas before developing our final idea
The sequence I created was a comical “how to” guide that
informed people how to talk to girls. It featured a friend playing the role of
a boy in love trying to attract the attention and gain the confidence to
approach and talk to her and the opposite side where he behaves like a fool and
fails miserably leading to some funny moments and two different endings, one
where he gets succeeds and the girl and one where he fails doesn't both having
a humorous outcome.
It was fun making my video however there were a few flaws and errors that could be corrected and made better, either through the editing process or by re shoots.
There were some problems during the film production such as brightness issues. This was caused shooting in the direction of the sun causing a shadow/silhouette over the actors. This combined with the direct light made it difficult for the audience to see at times even with the white balance adjusted. However the camera adjusts quickly and doesn't take too much away from the film. There were some problems with camera steadiness and so there was times of shaky camera in multiple clips of the movie which can throw the viewer off. There are also a couple of glitches in the movie that were caused during the editing process where I stitched two scenes together but they were out of sync causing the glitch but again they were only minor and doesn't take away from the movie.
If I were to shoot again I would choose different locations that don't disrupt/damage the view of the camera (e.g. not shooting directly into the sun) I would also take re shoots of the and use them to edit my movie to remove the brightness tat was hard on my film. I would also take multiple shots extra and use them in the editing process to remove any glitches and make the video smoother. This would improve the view of the video and make look more professional.
It was fun making my video however there were a few flaws and errors that could be corrected and made better, either through the editing process or by re shoots.
There were some problems during the film production such as brightness issues. This was caused shooting in the direction of the sun causing a shadow/silhouette over the actors. This combined with the direct light made it difficult for the audience to see at times even with the white balance adjusted. However the camera adjusts quickly and doesn't take too much away from the film. There were some problems with camera steadiness and so there was times of shaky camera in multiple clips of the movie which can throw the viewer off. There are also a couple of glitches in the movie that were caused during the editing process where I stitched two scenes together but they were out of sync causing the glitch but again they were only minor and doesn't take away from the movie.
If I were to shoot again I would choose different locations that don't disrupt/damage the view of the camera (e.g. not shooting directly into the sun) I would also take re shoots of the and use them to edit my movie to remove the brightness tat was hard on my film. I would also take multiple shots extra and use them in the editing process to remove any glitches and make the video smoother. This would improve the view of the video and make look more professional.